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Web2.0&Web3.0 Login

Once a developer has connected the BeingFi SDK to their project, project users can choose to log in using either the Web2.0 or Web3.0 login method. Regardless of the chosen login method, users can access BeingFi's embedded wallet within the original project.

Web2.0 Login

Users can register an account using their email address or mobile phone number, or log in using integrated third-party social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, and other traditional platforms.

BeingFi supports over 15 of the most mainstream Web2.0 social media login options.

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Telegram

  • Instagram

  • Whatsapp

  • Line

  • Zalo

  • Wechat

  • Tiktok

  • Github

  • Slack

  • Reddit

  • Discord

Web3.0 Login

BeingFi supports connection with over 15 of the most mainstream decentralized wallets.

  • MetaMask

  • WalletConnect

  • Phantom

  • Slope

  • Keplr Wallet

  • Sender Wallet

  • Near Wallet

  • WAX Cloud Wallet

  • Anchor Wallet

  • Install Terra Station

Last updated